The exercise for downloading the 2024 Roll No Slip for CMH Sialkot FCPS Part 2 has been completed and the slip is now available online. Candidates can download their slip from the official website or from their regional office. The answer key for this exercise is available on the official website.
CMH Sialkot FCPS Part 2 2024:
MH Sialkot is a military hospital that has been serving the Armed Forces since its establishment on the 1st January 1947. It is one of the largest hospitals in Pakistan and provides services to all branches of the Armed Forces, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. The hospital is divided into two sections; the General Hospital (GH) and the Trauma Center (TC).
The GH is equipped with wards for general medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, orthopedics, burns, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, cardiology, nephrology, urology, ophthalmology, ENT, dental and more, for treating all kinds of patients. The TC is where severe injuries are treated and also offers treatments for chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma.
In addition to providing medical services to the Armed Forces, MH Sialkot also serves as a training center for medical students across the country. With its years of experience and expertise, the hospital is an excellent choice for military personnel, as well as civilians, to receive quality healthcare.
CMH Sialkot FCPS Part 2 2024 Download Roll No Slip By Name CNIC Answer Key
Facilities in CMH:
The hospital offers comprehensive medical care with a range of facilities including a blood bank, X-ray department, operation theater, ICU, emergency ward, and more. The hospital offers specialized services in general surgery, orthopedics, ophthalmology, ENT, cardiology, and more. The job profile comes with all the necessary requirements such as age limit, education qualification, experience requirement, and more. With the hospital’s advanced capabilities and experienced staff, you can be sure to get quality medical care.
Download Roll No Slip:
CMH Sialkot FCPS Part Download Roll No Slip By Name CNIC Answer Key The CMH Sialkot FCPS has released the notification for the Part-II examination. Candidates who have applied for and received a sealed copy of their Roll No Slip from official web page.Candidates can also check their response slips on official website. The following steps need to be followed in order to download your answer key: Firstly, log in to official website with your credentials
Enter “CNIC” in the keyword field
Select “Answer Keys” as your category
How to Download the Answer Key:
If you have any doubts regarding the roll number or name of a candidate in your slip, then check the answer key provided on the CMH website. In addition, this will help you to crosscheck that your Slip is indeed correct and does not contain any mistakes.
Steps for Printing the Answer Key:
To print the answer key for CMH Sialkot FCPS Part II , follow these steps:
1. Login to the CMH website and open the “Answer Key” document.
2. Print the entire document, including the header and footer.
3. Cut out each slide for use with answer keys for individual.
4. Group students by their roll number on each slide, and staple to the upper-left corner of each slide. This will create individual answer key sheets for each individual.
5. Bind together all answer key sheets with a thick rubber band or large string, creating an individual answer key booklet for your job.
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